I am home with flu, but lying in my bed facing the window, so that I can see the garden outside. The grass has begun to turn green and already one of our bushes has burst into pink blossoms. I just love Spring!
I've already gone through a full box of tissues - in one day - and so, in the name of being economical, have moved onto a roll of loo paper. Have you ever wondered how they print the flowers and butterflies on loo paper? Is it actually ink? And what's with the people who print puppies on their loo rolls? If you really think about it, it's a bit strange.

I read a whole book this weekend, started it on Saturday morning, and finished it on Sunday night. It's called Nightshade, and it's about werewolves. Oh sorry, "Guardians".... but really, they're just werewolves. Ever since reading the Twilight saga, I have acquired a taste for 'supernatural' type novels, but have yet to find anything in this genre that is not somewhat juvenile. I enjoyed Nightshade, but it lacked a certain substance that Twilight possesses. I know that some fools who have only watched the Twilight movies would try to tell me that Twilight in itself is juvenile. But anyone who has read the books will know what I'm talking about.
So, having gobbled up Nightshade in a weekend, I'm due to start on my next somewhat-juvenile supernatural novel, Beautiful Darkness, which is a sequel to a book I've already read, called Beautiful Creatures. If I start acting like a teenager, you should all know why.
I baked bran muffins this weekend. :) Mm.
I told someone today that they look like the singer Pink. Someone else then made a remark, insinuating that this is not really a compliment... What?! How can you say that??? Pink's personality may be a bit rough around the edges, but she is a beautiful lady. This is a picture of Pink that looks exactly like the person I was talking to...
Pretty right?
Guess that's all I have to say right now. Best get some rest, so I can get back to the office tomorrow.
Peace out dudes.
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