Potency Supernova Welcomes You

Thoughts. Illogical. Poetry. Scripture. Stories. Miscellaneous. Logical. Music. Timelessness. Random. Romance. Friendships. Words. Rock 'n Roll. Art. Thoughts. Illogical. Poetry. Scripture. Stories. Miscellaneous. Logical. Music. Timelessness. Random. Romance. Friendships. Words. Rock 'n Roll. Art. Thoughts. Illogical. Poetry. Scripture. Stories. Miscellaneous. Logical. Music. Timelessness. Random. Romance. Friendships. Words. Rock 'n Roll. Art. Thoughts. Illogical. Poetry. Scripture. Stories. Words.

Monday 15 August 2011

Hidden Tastes, Hugs from Moms and Italians

I was feeling significantly weary yesterday morning, and I wasn't sure what to do with myself. Eventually, I had the urge to just chill out and put on some classical music. Chopin, to be precise. So I reclined on a pillow, hit the 'play' button... And remarkably, within 3 short songs, I was feeling "together". And somewhat cheerful.

Today, I was stuck in traffic, iPod plugged in, which is sometimes the only way to survive the hour-long trip home each day. My iPod consists mostly of heavy rock, punk and a pinch of metal - It's an aggression-release thing, don't ask. Somehow, an opera album has mysteriously found it's way onto my iPod - Andrea Bocelli, to be precise. Again, don't ask. Well, imagine, after 45 minutes of pure rock and roll, my iPod whops out a quirky Italian tune by Mr. Bocelli. And oh my... I felt so much better for it. 

Hrumph... Classical music and Opera... ??

Not something I've been interested in since I was a young girl, so quite a surprise, the effect it had on me. I suppose that having a professional pianist as a mother has given my ear an appreciation for the finer musical talents... and in hindsight, hearing the light-handed tinkles of Chopin yesterday had much the same effect as receiving a hug from my Mom. Just what I needed. 

As far as Andrea Bocelli goes, I only recall wanting to marry him when I was a teenager, so I can't speculate on what the deal is with that. But it was nice. 

Here's to hidden tastes, hugs from Moms and Italians! 

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