So, initially I wasn’t going to mention my 2012 resolutions
on my blog, but I figured it’s good practice to hold myself accountable for the
promises that I make to myself. And what better way than to tell the entire
virtual world what those promises are.
And that is what resolutions are: they are promises to
ourselves. Sometimes we sell ourselves short, as by February we shrug these
promises off as ‘not that important’, and we start to slip up. We do ourselves
the ultimate injustice, as these promises are there for us to continue along
the path of personal growth and improvement. So, having bid farewell to the2011, here are my resolutions for 2012…
- Budget – Something I have never done. I have created a complex Excel spreadsheet that makes my budgeting a breeze. (well, complex for me, that is – it has at least 3 sums) I am no longer going to be controlled by money, I am going to be in control of it.
- Exercise – At least 3 times a week. Whether cardio, toning or kickboxing, exercise is not only valuable for physical well-being, but also for stress levels and mental well-being. Being somewhat mental myself, it’s definitely something I could be looking into.
- Wash my own car – I am one of those lazy-ass ladies who takes my car to a garage and lets someone else do the dirty work. Well, no more! Not only am I going to be saving on the car-wash fees (refer to resolution # 1 – Budget), but it can also be considered a light work-out (refer to resolution # 2 – Exercise).
- Go to a day spa regularly – Really? Do I really need to make this a resolution?? The answer is Yes. Absolutely. So often, one puts aside one’s little personal desires due to lack of time, lack of money (Refer to Resolution # 1 – Budget), lack of forward-planning… And the truth is, you end up not looking after yourself, not doing the things you enjoy, and ultimately, slaving your life away without living it. So this resolution is about having “Me Time”. Perhaps for you, it’s fishing. Or going to theatre. Or playing a round of golf. For me, it’s going to a day spa. *grin*
- Work smarter, not harder. Learn from the best, with a sponge-like greed for knowledge. Submit myself for training where possible. Drink green tea daily to give me mental focus, no matter how disgusting it tastes. (it works!)
- Find a home cell – Last year, after two years of drifting around and feeling lost, hubby and I finally found a church we could call ‘home’. It’s now been a good six months, and it’s time to root ourselves deeper. I desperately want to spend more time with down-to-earth people like me who have a passion for Jesus and His Grace.
- Be the first to apologize when I know I’m wrong. Let go of my pride, stop building walls and build bridges instead.
- Be Gracious – this is something that I have always tried to live by, so it makes perfect sense to carry this with me into the New Year. People are going to make mistakes. Forgive them. I am going to make mistakes. Forgive myself.
My last resolution, which is a culmination of all my
resolutions, is the glue that holds them all together…
- Put it at the Throne – The path to personal growth begins and ends with the One who created me. Only He knows what kind of person I’m capable of being. He knows…
how much money I should spend,
how much exercise my body can do,
how often my car needs to be
how often I need to escape for
some time-out,
how I can achieve more at work,
which home cell I should join,
when I’m wrong,
how much Grace I need (a lot)…
I can do nothing in my own
strength if not for His guidance and Mercy. Without Him, my life is a game of
hit-and-miss, and most times I’ll probably miss the mark by a mile. So, this
year I am going to consciously lay each aspect of my life before the One who
knows me better than I know myself. And see what happens.
If you don’t believe in resolutions, I hope you will be
inspired at some point to at least set yourself some kind of goal, as I have
done. Even something as stupid as washing your own car. When I was in primary
school, a dear friend of mine said something that to this day I can not erase
from my mind: Shoot for the moon – even if you miss, you’ll land
somewhere in the stars.

Onwards, fellow inhabitants of this planet, into 2012 and
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