So, I decided to get with the times this week, and read the news. You know, 'be informed'. Be 'in touch' with the world.
One sunken cruise ship with multiple casualties, a few murders and rapes, thousands of school closures, and yet another absurd outburst from Julius Malema, and I've decided that I'm better off not informed. I have no doubt that the world is full of atrocities, but why remind myself of it... every... day...
So, I'll be sticking my head in the sand until such time as I get the urge to be informed again. On this note, should the end of the world be upon us, might I request that someone takes a moment to let me know? I also wouldn't mind being warned of a pending civil war.
If you are feeling the same way, why don't you read some good news with me on SA Good News. I'm quite sure that if the apocalypse was under way, they'd find some way to break it to us gently.
Potency Supernova Welcomes You
Thoughts. Illogical. Poetry. Scripture. Stories. Miscellaneous. Logical. Music. Timelessness. Random. Romance. Friendships. Words. Rock 'n Roll. Art. Thoughts. Illogical. Poetry. Scripture. Stories. Miscellaneous. Logical. Music. Timelessness. Random. Romance. Friendships. Words. Rock 'n Roll. Art. Thoughts. Illogical. Poetry. Scripture. Stories. Miscellaneous. Logical. Music. Timelessness. Random. Romance. Friendships. Words. Rock 'n Roll. Art. Thoughts. Illogical. Poetry. Scripture. Stories. Words.
Thursday, 19 January 2012
Monday, 9 January 2012
2012 - Shooting for the Moon
So, initially I wasn’t going to mention my 2012 resolutions
on my blog, but I figured it’s good practice to hold myself accountable for the
promises that I make to myself. And what better way than to tell the entire
virtual world what those promises are.
And that is what resolutions are: they are promises to
ourselves. Sometimes we sell ourselves short, as by February we shrug these
promises off as ‘not that important’, and we start to slip up. We do ourselves
the ultimate injustice, as these promises are there for us to continue along
the path of personal growth and improvement. So, having bid farewell to the2011, here are my resolutions for 2012…
- Budget – Something I have never done. I have created a complex Excel spreadsheet that makes my budgeting a breeze. (well, complex for me, that is – it has at least 3 sums) I am no longer going to be controlled by money, I am going to be in control of it.
- Exercise – At least 3 times a week. Whether cardio, toning or kickboxing, exercise is not only valuable for physical well-being, but also for stress levels and mental well-being. Being somewhat mental myself, it’s definitely something I could be looking into.
- Wash my own car – I am one of those lazy-ass ladies who takes my car to a garage and lets someone else do the dirty work. Well, no more! Not only am I going to be saving on the car-wash fees (refer to resolution # 1 – Budget), but it can also be considered a light work-out (refer to resolution # 2 – Exercise).
- Go to a day spa regularly – Really? Do I really need to make this a resolution?? The answer is Yes. Absolutely. So often, one puts aside one’s little personal desires due to lack of time, lack of money (Refer to Resolution # 1 – Budget), lack of forward-planning… And the truth is, you end up not looking after yourself, not doing the things you enjoy, and ultimately, slaving your life away without living it. So this resolution is about having “Me Time”. Perhaps for you, it’s fishing. Or going to theatre. Or playing a round of golf. For me, it’s going to a day spa. *grin*
- Work smarter, not harder. Learn from the best, with a sponge-like greed for knowledge. Submit myself for training where possible. Drink green tea daily to give me mental focus, no matter how disgusting it tastes. (it works!)
- Find a home cell – Last year, after two years of drifting around and feeling lost, hubby and I finally found a church we could call ‘home’. It’s now been a good six months, and it’s time to root ourselves deeper. I desperately want to spend more time with down-to-earth people like me who have a passion for Jesus and His Grace.
- Be the first to apologize when I know I’m wrong. Let go of my pride, stop building walls and build bridges instead.
- Be Gracious – this is something that I have always tried to live by, so it makes perfect sense to carry this with me into the New Year. People are going to make mistakes. Forgive them. I am going to make mistakes. Forgive myself.
My last resolution, which is a culmination of all my
resolutions, is the glue that holds them all together…
- Put it at the Throne – The path to personal growth begins and ends with the One who created me. Only He knows what kind of person I’m capable of being. He knows…
how much money I should spend,
how much exercise my body can do,
how often my car needs to be
how often I need to escape for
some time-out,
how I can achieve more at work,
which home cell I should join,
when I’m wrong,
how much Grace I need (a lot)…
I can do nothing in my own
strength if not for His guidance and Mercy. Without Him, my life is a game of
hit-and-miss, and most times I’ll probably miss the mark by a mile. So, this
year I am going to consciously lay each aspect of my life before the One who
knows me better than I know myself. And see what happens.
If you don’t believe in resolutions, I hope you will be
inspired at some point to at least set yourself some kind of goal, as I have
done. Even something as stupid as washing your own car. When I was in primary
school, a dear friend of mine said something that to this day I can not erase
from my mind: Shoot for the moon – even if you miss, you’ll land
somewhere in the stars.

Onwards, fellow inhabitants of this planet, into 2012 and
Friday, 6 January 2012
Rant of the Day: Spam
Spam. We all hate it right? And yet those cheesy chain-mails
keep going around and around and around… I wonder why. I wonder how, if we all truly hate it the way we claim
to do.
The worst kind of spam-mails are the ones that carry with
them the threat of bad luck until the day you die, and in fact bad luck even
after you’re dead, and after your children have grown old and died, and then
maybe some more bad luck after that, if you’re really unlucky… if you don’t forward the mail in
question to at least a million people that you know are going to curse you profusely
for flooding their inbox with heaps of bad luck. I’m not sure what bad luck is
like for dead people, maybe their remains are consumed by a particularly nasty
worm, but for all the chain mail I’ve deleted (after cursing the senders profusely),
I’ve got a lot of it waiting for me in my grave.
I always wonder, why would you send that to me? If you
really believed that this stupid mail was going to bring me, your friend, bad luck, why would you send it
to me?? You’re not a friend, you back-stabber! First sign of impending doom,
and you pass it on to me?! And you’re blind! And stupid! Only blind, stupid
people believe in chain-mail-luck. Did something good happen to you 17 minutes
after sending that mail to 17 people, like it promised you would happen? No??
Imagine that.
I might appreciate the kind of spam-mail that brings a laugh
with it. Some tasteful humour. A funny image. Even an inspiring story. A well
thought-out poem. But the moment I see those famous six words, “If you don’t
pass this on…” I experience a reflex-action that jerks my computer mouse to the
delete button, before I can even think about it any further.
What a waste of bandwidth. What a waste of my time. What a
waste of nasty worms.
End of Personal Rant. *takes a bow*
Sunday, 1 January 2012
Ghost Pops, Sparklers and New Year
It is an exceptionally beautiful New Year's morning, here in South Africa, and one can hope that it will be a reflection of a beautiful year to come. I spent New Year's Eve in the best possible way, which involved balloons, sparklers, braaivleis, Big Bang Theory, a guitar and a more importantly: a most wonderful group of friends. Thanks guys, you know who you are, and you absolutely rock.

Having already broken into a packet of Ghost Pops this morning (and it's only 07h30) I'm not going to jump into New Year Resolutions just yet. No, I'll be taking a few moments to look back at 2011, as many people are doing, if only to reflect on all that I can be grateful for.
I'm grateful that I gave up caffeine. A good cup of decaff coffee tastes the same as normal coffee, without the heart palpitations.
I'm grateful to have found a job that I love. A job is hard enough to find in itself, but to do something that you love... well, that's remarkable.
I'm grateful for my husband. This year has seen a blossoming of who we are together, and I'm excited about what the future holds.
I'm grateful for all the music. 2011 brought about some of the most ground-breaking music releases, and my love affair with music has only become more passionate and consuming during this last year.
I'm grateful for my nephew's conception. I'm about to become an Auntie, proudest Auntie on the planet, and so thank you and good luck to my wonderful brother and his beautiful wife.
I'm grateful that after many years of struggling with my hamstring injury, I finally managed to kick my punching bag - for the first time since giving up kick-boxing. I'm having the time of my life!
I'm grateful for family. No words can express how amazing you all are.
I'm grateful for all the simple things. A roof overhead. Summer heat, sunshine and pretty dresses. Big Bang Theory. The existence of chocolate. The discovery of organic products.
I'm grateful for the new people I've met who have added to the spontaneity and colour in my life.
I'm grateful for my first live concert experience ever - thank you, Kongos, you dudes rocked on every level.
I'm grateful for my first live concert experience ever - thank you, Kongos, you dudes rocked on every level.
I'm grateful for my blog. Grateful that one winter morning, stuck at home with flu, my sick boredom birthed this little website that has become an outlet for one of the things I simply love to do: write.
Once I'm done with my Ghost Pops and decaff coffee, I shall contemplate my resolutions for this coming year. But what good are resolutions, if you don't take the time to look back and contemplate the wonders and successes of the year just passed?
Come with me, fellow inhabitants of this planet. 2012 is here, and it beckons us to live it!
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