Had a biscuit at 06h00, so that I could take my multivitamins and calcium supplements before going to work.
Drove to work.
Had a cup of decaffeinated coffee and a piece of home-made shortbread. 07h30.
Already not a very good start to my day.
08h30, realized I was starving, and so had a quick breakfast bar and a naartjie... and another cup of coffee.
09h00. Starving.
10h00. Starving.
11h30. Starving.
12h00, had a beef sausage, mashed potato and and pile of peas for lunch.
13h30, feeling a bit nibbly.
14h00, what the heck, had another breakfast bar... and a lollipop.
16h00, famished damn-it. Handful of peanuts and raisins.
16h30, driving home... munching an apple. Hungry.
17h45. Home. Unbearably hungry.
18h00. Chicken omelette for dinner.
It was just after dinner that I thought of a Garfield cartoon that I remember well, from when I was a child. My brother and I grew up on Jim Davis' Garfield comic strips and I still think that it is the only reading material that I can recall my brother laughing out loud at. Good times!
The particular comic in question is...

...Yep. That's what I feel like today. As though my stomach is an endless abyss into which all food in sight is in danger of being sucked. And I know, most of you who know me will hate me for staying fairly thin after a day like today. But for the record, I am usually far more conscientious of my culinary habits. Just not today.
Man, what a day. All that eating has me exhausted.

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