Potency Supernova Welcomes You

Thoughts. Illogical. Poetry. Scripture. Stories. Miscellaneous. Logical. Music. Timelessness. Random. Romance. Friendships. Words. Rock 'n Roll. Art. Thoughts. Illogical. Poetry. Scripture. Stories. Miscellaneous. Logical. Music. Timelessness. Random. Romance. Friendships. Words. Rock 'n Roll. Art. Thoughts. Illogical. Poetry. Scripture. Stories. Miscellaneous. Logical. Music. Timelessness. Random. Romance. Friendships. Words. Rock 'n Roll. Art. Thoughts. Illogical. Poetry. Scripture. Stories. Words.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Jonathan David and Melissa Helser Band

This "band" visited our church last week - I put the word band in inverted comma's, because they are so much more than just that: They are carriers of God's revelation. Revelation of His immense, heartbreaking Love, of His everlasting Goodness and Mercy... No words can describe the wonderful tidal wave of worship that Jonathan and Melissa Helser carry with them wherever they raise their music. 

I thought I'd share some words of theirs, which I've taken from Jonathan David Helser's blog - This is what the Lord whispered to Jonathan in a moment of worship. What a beautiful thought. What a beautiful knowledge. God is up to something. I just know it. 

Look at the nations

I'm gonna do something 

Great in your days
You wouldn't believe it
Even if I told you
Watch and be amazed

I want these dreams, Even more than you
Faith is when, you believe that I do

In these days, you will say, I didn't know God could be so good

Go ahead and try Me
You can ask
For anything you want
But I promise 
That I am gonna
Give you more than you ever thought

In these days, you will say, I didn't know God could be so good

-Jonathan David Helser

Monday, 9 April 2012

Rant of the Day: The Droids are Coming!

It's a Monday morning, 06h30, and a public holiday - Easter Monday to be precise. It's been a long weekend, consisting of Friday, Saturday, Sunday and today. And I have a serious bone to pick with the universe. We're talking a femur-sized bone, a big one.

I have not been able to sleep late, not once over this weekend, no not once. Technology, it seems, has raised it's ugly head, and all those people who have been prophesying about droids taking over the world... well, in my sleep-deprived state, I'm starting to believe it's true.

Thursday evening, it was with great glee and self-satisfaction that I turned off my alarm, and asked hubby to do the same - which he assured me he would do. And into bed I snuggled, might I reiterate with great glee and self-satisfaction, looking forward to sleeping in, and allowing my body to wake up naturally, no beeping, no twittering, no nothing. Sigh.

Friday morning, what should wake us up, but hubby's phone alarm - this, at 06h45, only an hour later than his usual alarm. There aren't many words to describe the internal inferno that took place in my heart, as the imaginings of boiling his phone alive as it screamed for mercy took over my mind. Once sufficiently cooled down, I managed to politely ask "What alarm was that?!" He responded as though stating the obvious, which I should have known, that "It's my public holiday alarm... you know, so I can get up and do stuff."

What....????? Is......?????? A public holiday alarm.......????????? Surely, something that defeats the whole purpose of a public holiday? Moving along, I couldn't fault hubby for his productive nature, and so I consoled myself that I still had three mornings of this long weekend, and I would surely get a nice lie in out of at least one of them.

Saturday morning. 04h00 AM. The house alarm goes off, signalling that a passive outside has been triggered by movement. To the panic stations!! Hubby is up as quick as lightning, running from window to window, huffing and and puffing the sleep out of his system. This window, that window, back to the alarm panel to check again which passive it was, back to the window. Of course, I was equally concerned for our safety, and so I chose to remain in bed and... well, pray. I'm not sure I prayed very much for our safety, because I recall praying more that the alarm system would spontaneously go up in flames leaving us in eternal peace forevermore, to sleep for as friggin' long as we so please...
As is custom with me when I'm woken up anytime after 03h00 AM, I couldn't really get back to sleep, so I lay, and had a staring-competition with the alarm panel, seeing the evil lurk behind those red little LED's... Quite sure I saw the hint of a sinister smile, it was at this point that I started to realize that perhaps technology has got it in for us after all...

Sunday morning, hubby had arranged to have a gardener come in for the day, and do some work. At 06h45. Sigh. Having been forewarned of this, I was neither surprised, and only a little bothered by the alarm going off. And as such, I was able to drift back into a light, pleasant slumber. Which was disturbed five minutes later by hubby's phone ringing, the gardener's way of letting us know that he was waiting outside our gate. I managed to maintain a exterior of absolute cool and calm, but if I must be honest, my insides were boiling and bubbling, and all but evaporating out of my ears, as I plotted the cell phone's demise once more. I've decided that boiling alive is too merciful for such an evil, it must be pulled apart piece by piece. By piece. By little piece. Yeeeessss.

So it was with gentle persistence that I informed hubby last night that there are to be no phone alarms on this, our final day of the long weekend. He wholeheartedly agreed, and together we gushed about how wonderful it would be to sleep in and wake up... naturally! On this united front, we went to bed....

At some point during the night, our house alarm started beeping in a frenzy, signalling not that there is an intruder, but rather that the power has gone off. Yes. The &@#* alarm wakes you up to tell you that the %^&@*$* power is off. Why, thank you Alarm, I can now lie awake and ponder the future of this country, and what it will be like when we all run out of fossil fuels and have to run to work on foot and rely on the sunshine alone to warm up our geysers and when we all go to bed when the sun sets and there's no more TV and wait.... NO MORE FRIGGIN ALARMS GOING OFF FOR NO APPARENT REASON.....

*deep breathing exercises*

Somehow, I don't know how, but somehow, through the hissing steam coming out of my ears, I managed to fall asleep again, and found comfort in the fact that I could still enjoy a lie in this morning... until 06h00. Which is the time that hubby's phone made a rather cute little chirp. It wasn't an alarm, nor phone call, nor a message, and the total length of the chirp couldn't have been more than three seconds. In fact, it sounded what I would imagine to be technology's equivalent of a little giggle.

As little as the sound was, it was all that was needed....

You woke me up... You better be on fire or something...

And so it is that I'm once again awake. And now that hubby's phone is laughing at me outright, quite certain that technology is making it's first advances on warfare with humankind, using the stealthy strategy of sleep-deprivation, until we are all nothing more than cussing, crazy-eyed, hollow people, having incinerated our own insides with fury and desperation....
Keep your bloodshot eyes open, Fellow Inhabitants of this Planet, they're coming for us!!!!

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Music to Get Your Gloves On...

I decided to do a little bit of a musical experiment this weekend - I hope you are as giddy with excitement as I am...

As I previously blogged last year, dance music (unaffectionately nicknamed doef-doef music) is admittedly one of the best music styles for any kind of exercise, including kickboxing. I decided to find out, by absolute trial and error, what other music is good for boxing. So I pre-selected a variety of music, and loaded it onto my iPod. I clicked on "shuffle" and off I went to the garage, where my punching bag hung waiting. My results were interesting, to say the least. Here are some observations:

Linkin Park
No good for boxing at all. I found this surprising, as I would have thought that their aggression would have contributed to the sport quite well. Not so - in fact, I felt quite drained boxing to Linkin Park. Not recommended, I'm afraid. Which is sad. But true.

My Chemical Romance
Now don't accuse me of being biased, but my findings suggest that My Chemical Romance is exceptionally suitable for boxing. The combination of near-psychopathic energy, aggression and most importantly, emotion, is what does it for me. I felt like I could tear a hole in the punching bag with my bare hands, and land in a sobbing heap on the floor. A bit over-the-top and dramatic, but effective nonetheless.

No surprises here, I would not suggest using Sting as motivational music for a boxing session. I felt more inspired to hang up my boxing gloves and take up yoga and meditation instead. Zero on the boxing-music chart.

Elvis Presley
Yes, I possess Elvis Presley music. (And proudly, I might add.) You won't believe this, but Elvis is truly great boxing music. I expect that the warbling croons of the likes of "Blue Moon" and "Love me Tender" instantly transformed me from a sweaty novice panting doggedly in my dirty garage, into Cinderella-Man... Has-been Champion pro, fighting for love... for survival.... for dignity... Age-old romance really does it, who knew? (I do now) 

Red is a hardcore Christian band, and I honestly wasn't sure how I'd manage with them, but their extraordinary intertwining of bleeding guitars, screaming vocals and soaring orchestra (yes, orchestra) made me feel like a warrior, battling a giant red demon in the middle of a raging apocalypse. Red filled me with a passionate desire to overcome the punching bag, and overcome it I did. With goosebumps from head to toe. 

The Rasmus
Now this is a 'dark band' and, in my opinion, quite effective with a punching bag, but... it seems to work only if fueled by some kind of heartache in addition to it. It's what we call an emo band, and emo without pain is... well, just a lame fashion statement really. So use The Rasmus wisely with the punching bag, because they don't pull the emotion off quite as well as My Chemical Romance.

Good Charlotte
Again, an astonishing result - I expected the lovable punk band to provide me with bounds of joyful energy to work out, but instead I just found myself getting annoyed. But like, really annoyed. In fact, I had to stop boxing on a few occasions to take my gloves off, and change the track whenever Good Charlotte or Blink 182 came on. Gosh could this be the first sign that I'm getting old? .....Naaaaah, couldn't be.

Sum 41
This band did nothing for me. Neither did 30 Seconds to Mars or Hoobastank. It was all merely very good background music, but that's all it was. So, standard-issue alternative music seems to be pretty neutral ground. Better than Sting, at least. 

Now this is excellent boxing music. Kongos is just a refreshing rock bad, with driving rhythm, brilliant durmming (as so well demonstrated on their hit track "I'm Only Joking") and good old-fashioned great vocals. Even their more 'toned down' tracks, like "Escape", make for pleasant exercise and boxing music. Great for light sparring and warming up.

The problem I experienced with the likes of Rihanna, Shakira and Beyonce is that I felt the urge to strip my gloves off, and dance with my punching bag, instead of hit it. So, while I can't accurately say that this is not energizing music, it's not the kind of energy I'm looking for. Well, except for one song - Breaking Dishes - which I've mentioned once before HERE."Breaking Dishes" I could box to... but I'd probably break something. 

Guns N' Roses
Now it's not easy to mention Guns N Roses in this forum because my iPod only played one of their songs, "Sweet Child of Mine". Big no-no with the punching bag, it seems. I'm not even sure how this happens, but in losing my focus to this track, the punching bag actually managed to punch me back, in my solar plexus, and left me somewhat winded for a minute or two. So classic rock, the likes of Guns n Roses and  Metallica , not conducive to safe boxing, and not recommended.

To summarize, I'd have to say that ny top three boxing bands are....

My Chemical Romance 

And if all else fails, Fellow Inhabitants of this Planet, there's always that blasted dance music.

Thursday, 5 April 2012

David van Vuuren - and a lot of him

 As I've already demonstrated in my recent blog My Parents = Awesomeness, my Mom enjoys good variety of rock and pop musicians. So I thought it would be a fabulous idea to buy David van Vuuren's album "Free the Animals"  for her. Of course, before giving the CD over to my Mom, I had to check it for scratches, which required me to have a good listen to it. (Of course!) And of course, I was just salivating over the possibility of a good topic for a blog.

 Now, as you may know from a previous blog of mine (Oh, go on - read another one), I was a huge fan of Dave's during his competing in SA Idols last year. So as you may imagine, it was exciting to finally get my hands on this. To be honest, I'm somewhat befuddled by the album entirely. Completely befuddled actually.

  I heard the following three things:

1. A little bit of Coldplay: 
 This is undoubtedly a compliment; there is a significant trace of Chris Martin in Dave's voice and style. It's subtle, but definitely there, and while I personally feel that this style is a bit too "safe" for Dave's amazing voice, it does work for him, as far as being "commercial" goes.

2. A little bit of Johnny Cash:
 Yes, this is a surprise. In some of his slower tracks, David's low gravelly voice is strangely reminiscent of Johnny Cash. Now this, as far as I'm concerned, is both a compliment - because Johnny Cash was a legend in his own way - and a bit of criticism, because too much Johnny Cash can be... well, sobering, for lack of a better word. (actually, the better word is 'depressing', but that's hardly respectful to the legend himself) One can therefore be thankful that David injects enough life and soaring vocals into his songs to counteract and compliment the Johnny-Cash-effect. 

3. A lot of David van Vuuren:
 Simply put, David's got something unique that can not be compared to any other musician. There's something about his raw, emotional presentation of song that makes you feel like this beautiful stranger has just spilled his heart out into your soul, through his music. Despite the small musical flaws - of which there are a few - one can not help but feel touched. The exciting thing is that musical flaws can be improved upon... and then.... Greatness. 

 David van Vuuren was previously the lead vocalist in a metal core band called "Freedom For Your Life", which he started with a high school mate in Grade 11. To be frank - and perhaps I'm biased because of my love for hard rock - I would love to hear David get back to this genre, and it is my personal hope that in time he tries it. Even if he just dabbles in it. I guess I'd just love to hear him scream. 
 As SA's voted Idol, perhaps he is somewhat committed to 'play it safe' for a while...? Either way, my prayer is that he follows his heart, because that's where the music is. I have a feeling that no matter what David chooses to do, he will always have South African's behind him. 

 From what I've heard of the CD, I liked it. I think I could love it. I may even be having one of those sad "Aw-I-gave-it-away" moments.  This may call for another trip to Look and Listen.  Of course, the question remains: what did Mom think? Hmmm. 

Listen to some of David's tracks on his band's Facebook page here.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Only One Thing To Do

Sometimes you do something stupid and there's only one thing you can do...
Sometimes you jump to conclusions or blow things out of proportion... and there's only one thing to do....
Sometimes you say something that is easily misunderstood and hurtful... and there's only one thing to do...

...And hope to Heaven it's not too late.