One such person left a giant footprint on my life, in the form of a letter that she sent to me a few days after the smash-and-grab incident. Her words soaked right up into my soul, feeling like a healing balm on an ugly wound.
Here is the beautifully written (and I believe, anointed) words shared with me by a very dear friend, who chose to speak honestly, courageously and tenderly about the Father's care for His children - I've chosen to share this, because another friend of mine was attacked in the same way just this week... and I know there must be so many out there who may need to be reminded of this...:
Just wanted to say that I know what you are feeling. I been there and pretty much lived in fear my whole life. Fear consumed me to the point of paranoia
The thing that changed my thinking and helped me control it was what my mom-in-law said to me. She said that the very thing that you fear controls you. And I thought screw that, nothing controls me, let alone fear - I am a child of Papa!
God has charged his angels around me, they are not only there during the day but they are encamped around me at night. (I actually visualize them outside, setting up camp, poking a fire, drink in hand) lol. No weapon formed against me shall prosper either. Doesn't mean it won't be formed but if it is, it won't get anywhere.
I know it is just words but that is why I decided to believe it literally, as a child would, so it could be real for me. Naive and wholeheartedly trusting in Papa's promises. Blindly believing as a child does in their parent.
For all you know that guy bolted so fast from your car because he brushed an angels wing while diving for your bag. I love believing like that, reminds me how real Papa is.
Anyhow... I know it takes time, but the key is to not let it consume you. Take control of it (whatever way works for you) and move on. Live free and secure in the fact that Papa, the King of kings has His eye on you.