Potency Supernova Welcomes You

Thoughts. Illogical. Poetry. Scripture. Stories. Miscellaneous. Logical. Music. Timelessness. Random. Romance. Friendships. Words. Rock 'n Roll. Art. Thoughts. Illogical. Poetry. Scripture. Stories. Miscellaneous. Logical. Music. Timelessness. Random. Romance. Friendships. Words. Rock 'n Roll. Art. Thoughts. Illogical. Poetry. Scripture. Stories. Miscellaneous. Logical. Music. Timelessness. Random. Romance. Friendships. Words. Rock 'n Roll. Art. Thoughts. Illogical. Poetry. Scripture. Stories. Words.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Everybody *dance* now!

 Yesterday I did something that I have never done before: I bought (paid good money for) a dance-music CD. Actually, a compilation of three discs, to be precise - Kevin Grenfell's Club Anthems 2011, vol. 2. For those of you who know my musical preferences, you will understand the significance of this occurrence. But I could't deny myself any longer. 

I have been listening to a lot of radio lately, giving my poor, overworked iPod a bit of a break, and the radio has been playing a great deal of house and dance music. Now, usually, when this type of music abuses my radio, I roll my eyes, sigh in exasperation, and utter some derogatory word or two about 'this damn doef-doef-music'. However, I have discovered in my radio-listening weeks that there is a reason that this music is called "dance". Despite my resistance to liking the stuff, I can not help myself - when it is playing, I simply must move. Something about it makes me jiggle and jive and bop and wriggle... All in the embarrassing confines of my car. I just want to dance! 

With this in mind, I realized that it would be the perfect music to play while boxing. And so that is my excuse. I refuse to admit that I have come to like house music, but will concede to it's usefulness in an exercising environment. 

And so it was while working out this morning, and listening to my cheesy dance CD, that I decided that I have a lot to say about boxing. A LOT. Enough to blog about, for sure. So, if anyone is out there, and if anyone is interested, my next blog will be about boxing and kickboxing... I'm quite sure I've wasted enough of your Sunday talking about dance music *sigh of exasperation, eye-roll*, and so I shall address the matter another time. (I do have a LOT to say)

Get your boxing gloves ready and your doef-doef on, Fellow Inhabitants of this Planet, it's nearly Monday! 

Monday, 10 October 2011

Random Thoughts of The Old and Decrepit

Had another confusing day. No, it's not that anything unusual happened, just that I've been in a general state of confusion for some time now. Must be getting old, and I've been thinking far too much. 

When I was a child, I used think that adults were complicated and a bit loony. Now that I'm here, being complicated and more than a bit loony myself, I think I'm starting to understand why. My theory is that as you get older, you obviously collect more life experiences as you go, and like an overloaded computer, one's processor gradually slows down, and just generally wreaks havoc with one's internal hard-drive. 

Games played.
Broken hearts.
School learned.
Fights lost.
Friendships born.
Bungee jumps.
Books read and movies watched.
Saying goodbyes. 
Work stresses. 
Wedding vows and honeymoons.
Car crashes.
Romantic dinners.
Concerts attended.
Loved ones dying.
Battles won.
Shopping sprees.
Frienships lost.

There's a LOT to that goes into one life. 

So, that's my excuse, and I'm sticking to it. If I forget something important. If I say something stupid. If I bare my soul when I shouldn't. If I brush my teeth twice because I forgot about the first time. If I wear mismatched socks. If I indicate right, but turn left.

You see, you'll have to forgive me, because this is just the very beginning of me being old and decrepit. 

Of course, at age 27, I do have a long journey of oldness and decrepitness ahead of me, so I am fighting it off with simple pleasures. 
Had doughnuts and energy drinks with a friend today. 
Went to a car show with my husband yesterday.
Had a night out on the town last week.
Caught a bird and set it free. 
Zoned out with my iPod for a 5 minute break at work.

One of the best things that I've been doing lately to clear my head is boxing. Ah, there is nothing like boxing. When I got home this evening, I was feeling emotional, frustrated, and just stupid in general. Half an hour with a punching bag is like the 'proverbial restart' that seems to fix everything. 

I wonder what other people to do 'restart'. It's important you know, otherwise we'd all be very old and very decrepit far too young. 

Peace out to you all, fellow inhabitants of this planet, may you live long, learn from many mistakes, and have a doughnut-moment very soon, before you lose your marbles completely. 

Sunday, 2 October 2011

SA Idols 2011: Dave Van Vuuren on fire!

I've never been particularly interested in previous Idols contests - I find most of the musicians to be a bit too 'poppie' for my tastes... Talented, of course, but far too 'safe'. If anything, the best thing to come out of any Idols contest so far has been Adam Lambert, and he is anything but safe.

At last, South African Idols contest has yielded something extraordinary... The overall calibre of musicians that has emerged this year has been astounding in itself, in comparison to previous years - I have actually watched a few episodes, and found myself stuck to the screen. 

However, few will argue with me that one of the finest and most unique artists to grace our screens with his presence is Dave Van Vuuren. If you listen with a 'musical ear', you might observe that he doesn't have the purest voice of this year's contestants. But whatever Dave may lack vocally - which is not much in the first place - he makes up for in so many ways, that I wouldn't trade him for the purest voice on the planet. 

What is also so refreshing is the sense of humility with which Dave presents himself, and his willingness to acknowledge God on stage. He has a down-to-earth, child-like gentleness, that one can not help but adore. 

Which makes it almost impossible to believe that this same timid puppy-eyed 'boy' can do what he does when handed a microphone! There is an electricity that exudes from Dave when he is on stage, he almost shivers with some inner nervous energy source that can not be contained. The intensity of the glittering in his eyes almost makes me want to take cover behind my living room couch, in case he explodes at any moment. One seldom finds a musician that has the ability to induce a miniature adrenalin rush, or reduce one to tears... And I love it. 

Dave Van Vuuren turns music into a spiritual experience.. and that is what it should be. 

Poor-quality uploads of Dave's Idol performances can be viewed on YouTube... Whether he wins Idols or not, he will 'make it' - and I intend on being a fan. 

Peace Out...